Context is...
A Statistic


Insert tl;dr


Did you know one in ten people are left-handed?

Did you also know what we used to do to people who were left-handed?

Did you know that one in ten people are gay.

Did you know that one in a hundred people are INFJ.

Did you know that one in people are bipolar.

Did you know that one in people are OCD.

Did you know that one in people are PTSD.

Did you know that one in people are autistic.

Did you know that one in autists are high-functioning?

Did you know that I’m just one person?  One person of many who fell for the traps that most of us do with respect to not having vision to their own problems because they were so distracted by life’s distractions to notice?

Did you know, there are so many ways we can set ourselves apart such it is easy to distill ourselves into something unique, especially our problems.  

Did you know everyone has problems?

Did you know everyone’s problems have meaning?

Did you know everyone’s problems have meaning to them greater than yours?

Did you know everyone’s problems deserve space for others to hold for them to express?

Did you know it’s not all about you?

I didn’t.
