Context is...
A Cloud


TL;DR: Just a drop in a bucket.


I am the biggest fan of Final Fantasy 7 I know.

Fight me.

But really though, if you know anything about me, you would know Final Fantasy 7 was a downright obsession of mine while growing up. Still is, actually.

I fell into that game's story like no other story I had ever fallen into before, it was incredible for its time.

The protagonist, a blonde-haired mercenary-for-hire, Cloud Strife, was a character with a backstory that says more than the story itself.

An ex-SOLDIER labeled to be a defect output of an experiment manages to be the key to unlocking the future of the planet itself. 

Even saves it from sheer destruction.

Not by being anything in particular, no, but by being who he thought he had to be in the moment at hand, even if that was a hero.

I could relate with that. 

Kind of.

I think there are many who experience moments in time where they face situations that feel like this, albeit at not such a grand scale.

Is it wrong to relate one's experiences of being stuck in some story we find ourselves telling about ourselves?


However, my point is this: lead with it.

If you want to be anything like the hero you see in Cloud, lead with your point.

As one would a buster sword.

Heavy as it may be.

It is yours to carry.

What comes will follow.

But that is for you to decide.