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Letting Go


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  • Originally Written: 22-Feb-2019

  • Word Count: ### / ## minutes


The ability to let go of ideas you have about yourself is a hard muscle to work to avoid being a living dinosaur to your past accomplishments and failures, but it can also make you feel transient to the people and places you encounter in life in a way that does not catch or snag you during the times you should be looking at your actions and their impacts on others and yourself.

Letting Go of Others Ideas About You

Letting Go of Your Ideas About What Ideas Others Have About You.

Yes that was said correctly. Everyone at some point has to learn that no one really cares about your life the way that you do and we project all of our insecurities onto others when we look for signs that they are going to harm us. An animal is only afraid of its owner’s hand if it has bad associations with seeing it and we humans are not much different in relation to the experiences we store in a file cabinet labeled Trauma that we file through and pull out transparent overlays that translate how we perceive the intentions of others.

If you had bad experiences in social contexts when you were younger it does not directly correlate to the same situation today, unless of course there are habits you demonstrate that are not congruent with the contexts you are applying yourself to. The point of relating with other people in various contexts is to learn how to relate with others in various contexts and that means adjusting how you are landing as you learn about people. Some people stay consistent in their approach to others and sometimes knowingly, but primarily unknowingly, create conflict with others who do not respond well to certain attitudes, behaviors, or approaches. This does not always mean the person self-expressing is in the wrong and getting negative feedback isn’t always true, it’s just a perspective that you have a choice in having a seat at your table or if it gets turned away at the door. Not all guests in your life are there to create light in the lives of others and may be motivated to take what they can find. Who you turn on the light for to guide to your gifts is important to protect, but you’re not going to have anyone to share life experiences with if you never turn them on.